Category Archives: KSEV

Patrick to GOP: My Will Be Done in 2011

In today’s 4 o’clock hour of Sen. Dan Patrick (R-7)’s KSEV drive-time radio show, the Texas Senate sophomore-to-be put Republicans on notice that it is time to act like a majority.

Renewing a 2006 talking point, Patrick said it was some Republicans, not Democrats, who were responsible for the Voter ID bill failing to gain traction after listener John called to discuss his support for the legislation.

“If these Republicans get elected and do not do what they said they would, I will

Sen. Dan Patrick (R-7)

name names,” Patrick said, adding that he was sick of Republicans acting as if they were not the majority in the Texas Legislature.

There it is–fair warning from the Voice of Texas, who looks to renew his threat of using his now expanded radio network and influence of the Tea Party Caucus to bully the GOP into submission.

Prediction: Look for Dan Patrick to run for governor in 2014.

Required Reading on Houston Proposition 3: Say No to Red Light Cameras

I don’t care about the snake oil Edd Hendee and KSEV are selling these days: Red light cameras do NOT save lives, and they are nothing more than an unconstitutional tax.

But, you don’t have to take my word for it (cue the Levar Burton, Reading Rainbow sound effects).  Read Philip Owens’ ‘Keep Houston Scared is at it again‘ over at Big Jolly Politics and be prepared to be schooled.

Vote NO on Houston Proposition 3. Real conservatives don’t support red light cameras.